February 26, 2011

The Life List - Part II

Think of your life as a novel. Is it a gripping tale of one individual’s journey through life or is it a humdrum account that hardly anyone would even want to read? Would you even read it? If you had to think about that, then you’re probably not living your best life. You’re not being your best you. But luckily there’s help. From the creator of The Life List – an original catalog of enhanced and enjoyable living suggestions – comes The Life List Part II. Packed with even more tantalizing and affordable options than the first, the second installment of The Life List series goes above and beyond to offer you more ways to maximize the quality of your life.
Bestselling authors have wasted tons of paper and time dispensing the same kind of tips you can get right here in The Life List. The difference is The List is fun, interactive, effective, and efficient. And it won’t cost you $19.95.
As mentioned in Part I, all endorsements of people, places, and products come directly from personal experiences or beliefs. No payments of any kind have been accepted (or offered) and nothing would be endorsed if it wasn’t strictly believed to aid in the quality of your life. Life is like a novel. You want it to be a page-turner.  
The Life List – Part II
***Learn to play an instrument***
***Visit a circus***
***Visit a zoo***
***Set and achieve goals***
***Inspire someone***
***Try something new that you ordinarily wouldn’t***
***Witness Kobe Bryant or LeBron James play live***
***Become a good role model***
***See a movie in 3D***
***Go camping***
***Play in the snow***
***Discover true happiness***
***Share your life with a pet***
***Meet someone who changed the world***
***Attend a Yankees-Red Sox baseball game or Lakers-Celtics basketball game***
***Own and be the first to drive a brand new car***
***Kiss someone in the rain***
***Learn to be okay with being yourself***
***Learn to speak a foreign language***
***Find something or someone to be passionate about***

Be on the lookout for Part III!

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